Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Budding Artist

Sally Rose loves to create art. She loves coloring with crayons, sidewalk chalk and especially markers. These days, though, she's found a new medium to love. Paint! She gets SO excited to paint, either with brushes or hands. We got this easel at IKEA a while back for something like $10. A very good investment. She's such a sweetie and I hope she continues this passion.

This was her first experience with brushes- she wouldn't look at me because she was so into it.

This is Sally's look of concentration. I love her lip.

Sally gave this work to Daddy for Father's Day

Finger painting is so fun!

Check out her eyelashes in this one. She could paint with them.


becca said...

That looks like so much fun! I want to get one! $10 bucks! That is a no brainer! She is a beautiful little painter, and she really does nice work!

P.S. I love your new blog background. You are getting fancy. I swear, everyone can figure out the fancy stuff except me! What is wrong with me? Ugh!

Malea said...

Hi, I hope you don't mind me commenting. I'm a very old friend of Erika's and I met Chad and your husband through Erika in our college days. It's great to see that you, Bill, and your baby(s) are so happy and doing so well. Take care, Malea
ps, I love your blog

Anonymous said...

Don't you just love their little necks when they are busy doing things like that?

Anonymous said...

Bill and Emily-this is Jodi (long lost past step sister :o) I just got into blogging and got your link from Chad and Kedra. Your daughter is simply adorable. I am looking to write to Joe. Can you please give me his address? Thanks!! You can see my blog at mikandjodisimon.blogspot.com or email me at jodi.r.simon@comcast.net. Thanks!!!

Julie said...

That is so, so cute! I love that easel. I had thought about getting one for Wyatt- I am convinced!

Mrs. Grigg said...

I love that Sally is an aspiring artist, she and I can try to paint together. I totally love the flash back T-shirt to Ouelessebougu! Awesome that you still have it.

Leslie said...

Those pictures are so sweet! I love IKEA and how you can find the simple pleasurs there. She is so beautiful!

Erika said...

Sally is such a cutie patootie. It's so much fun to see these little ones personalities and interests blossoming. I wouldn't be surprised if she's the next picasso. She inherited some good, smart, creative genes. Oh, and ditto on the background. Super cute.

Emily said...

awesome! She can do anything now that she's mastered painting!

Kedra Simpson said...

I love to see their cute little faces when they are discovering new things. looks like you have an artist in the making, so cute!

Becky said...

Why hasn't grandma received one of these masterpieces?

Amy said...

She is such a beautiful child! She always just seems so full of life, just like her mom!